If you've ever toyed with the idea of moving your medical career to the U.S., 'How To Make It In America' is the course for you. We're going to teach you everything there is to know about completing that journey successfully, from A-Z.
We don't assume any prior knowledge or expect you to fill in gaps in the course with your own research. We believe that this is the most thorough start to finish, all-in-one guide to the residency application process that exists. We've helped IMGs match into programs in the U.S. for 7 years, and now it's your turn! Let's get started.
Note: our course gets updated regularly as anything changes in the process, most recently in Summer of 2022 to reflect changes in the Step 1 scoring, the Step 2 CK's increased importance, discontinuing of the Step 2 CS, the new 'Pathways' to ECFMG certification, AND the impact of COVID on electives, LORs, and virtual interviews!
For more information, to see the titles of all of our course videos, and also to check out free sample videos from the course, click here - 'How To Make It In America'.
Frequently Asked Questions about our course! We'll be updating these regularly based on questions we get from you guys, so if you're wondering about something we haven't written here, email us at hello@libertymedics.com!
Q: What is included in the course?
We have over 100 videos in our course catalogue, going through each part of the journey of applying for residency training in the US step-by step. We start by going through the pros and cons of a medical career in the US so you can decide whether it's even the right move for you. Then, we talk you through all things USMLE (booking the exams, cost, preparing, when is best to take it, tips for exam day etc.). We then talk about electives, letters of recommendation, applying for 'The Match', the interview trail, and even crucial visa and immigration related topics for after you match!
Q: Is this course just for UK medical students or for people from different countries too?
LibertyMedics is dedicated to helping ALL international medical graduates, regardless of country of graduation, match into residency programs in the US. Whilst our founding members are UK based and speak about their own experiences, the guidance they provide is for ALL IMGs, whether you're from the UK, India, Pakistan, the UAE, South America, the Carribean or anywhere else!
Q: When is the best time to do the course?
There really is no such thing as planning too early! When we at LibertyMedics started running our live courses in London a few years ago, we had course attendees ranging from 1st year medical students, all the way through to experienced 35+ year old Consultants (Attendings). If you're interested in a medical career in the US, then you will benefit from this course, no matter what stage in your career you're at. Also, the subscription never expires, so there's no need to second guess whether you're starting too early!
Q: $200 is a lot of money... am I getting value for this?
We're likely biased here, but we think our course is one of the best value for money resources around for medical students/ doctors wanting to move to the U.S. For anyone interested in this field, they'll know only too well that there are courses out there that focus on just one USMLE exam and cost around $4000. Likewise, a subscription for just one question bank routinely costs several hundred dollars. In both of those cases, the subscriptions are also time limited and expire within a few months.
We have produced the most comprehensive A-Z course available anywhere, informing people on each and every step in the process of transitioning a medical career to the U.S. in the most meticulous detail. Whilst paying for a resource that helps you score well in one exam is certainly important, having one that outlines the entire IMG journey and provides insider advice on how to navigate it successfully is even more valuable. Our content is thoroughly researched, engagingly presented and has high production value with top notch audio-visual quality. Most importantly, we don't charge for a monthly or annual subscription.
After a one time payment, you have access to our video catalogue FOR LIFE - no expiration or renewal needed. Ever. This doesn't just apply for the videos that are currently in the course, but also to all of our new videos that are constantly being uploaded based on our member questions and the changing IMG landscape. In July 2020 alone, we have filmed the following new videos to be uploaded to our course:
- 'Step 1 Score Change - How does it impact IMGs?'
- 'Does having extra degrees (BSc, Masters) help to Match?'
- Day In the Life - Radiology Resident
- Program Director Interview Series - Internal Medicine
To top it all off, we also grant exclusive 'Mastermind Community' access to all of our course subcribers after purchase. This is a closed, moderated group specifically with other IMGs subscribed to our How To Make It In America course and the LibertyMedics team, where you can share tips, ask questions, and generally be a part of a big family as you embark on this journey! Making friends along the way who you can lean on for support and for a feeling of togetherness is such a huge part of the U.S. residency application process, and we're incredibly proud to be nurturing this fantastic community through our company.
So to answer the question briefly... Yes, you are definitely getting value for money!
Q: I'm a little bit interested in a career in the US, but I'm by no means sure... will I still benefit from this?
Yes! Whilst we pride ourselves on providing exhaustively detailed instructions on the entire process of moving your medical career to the US, our course starts out spending a great amount of time helping people in exactly your position. We weigh up all the pros and cons of a medical career in the US in an unbiased and factual way. The only way to decide whether that little bit of interest will grow into something more is by getting informed, and that's where we come in!
Q: How long will I have access to the course?
For life! Once you buy access to the 'How To Make It In America' course, it will be available for you as long as you need it. We know that for so many medical students/ doctors, the idea of moving to the US is something they toy with for years, but don't always know for sure when they'll take the plunge. A lot of other resources have a 6 month/ 1 year expiry, so people are hesitant of signing up too early. We want to be here for you from the beginning when you're trying to weigh up the pros and cons of the move, but also all the way through your journey!
Q: Is this course for UK medical students only, or also for those from other countries?
LibertyMedics is dedicated to helping ALL international medical graduates, regardless of country of graduation, match into residency programs in the US. Whilst our founding members are UK based and speak about their own experiences, the guidance they provide is for ALL IMGs, whether you're from the UK, India, Pakistan, the UAE, South America, the Carribean or anywhere else!
Q: Can we share our log in with others?
It has taken us years and years of hard work to put together this course, including a lot of expenditure on equipment, editing, website design and marketing. We try to price our product as fairly as we possibly can, and at $200 for lifetime access, we think the 'How To Make It In America' course is amongst the best valued resources available to IMGs anywhere (some well-known courses can be $5000 focusing only on one Step exam). For this reason, sharing log-ins is against our terms of use and we have to monitor log-in locations/ devices per account to make sure we are able to continue doing our work. We hope you guys can understand that and agree that our product is worth it!
Q: What is the 'Mastermind Community'?
The 'Mastermind Community' is a closed, moderated group specifically with other IMGs subscribed to our How To Make It In America Course and the LibertyMedics team, where you can share tips, ask questions, and generally be a part of a big family as you embark on this journey! Such a huge part of the U.S. residency application process is making friends along the way who you can lean on for support and for a feeling of togetherness. Once you sign up to our course, you will be given access to this group for the entire duration of your journey as a free bonus!
Q: What is in the 'Mentorship Package'?
The most extensive package offered by LibertyMedics. As well as access to the 'How To Make It In America' course and 'Mastermind Community', the Mentorship package includes personal statement review, interview preparation tips, a mock interview, and also 30 minute 1-on-1 mentoring sessions each month with Dr. Syed via video chat (up to 5 in total, timing decided by each package owner). Dr. Syed will take on each person subscribed to the Mentorship package as his mentee, using his own network of colleagues and contacts in the US to help them whenever possible, giving them access to his personal email address so they can reach out with questions throughout their journey, and generally helping as much as he can to put them on a path to success. As this will be a huge time commitment and Dr. Syed is a practising full-time doctor, the number of available Mentorship packages will be limited (as there are only a small number of mentees at any one point in time) and cost significantly more than the other available options. This is ideal for someone who needs a more intensive level of support through the process, feels like they tend to have a lot of questions, or who knows nobody else in the US and wants access to an existing network there from the beginning.
PLEASE NOTE: the Mentorship package is currently sold out - if you would like to be added to this waiting list, send us an email at hello@libertymedics.com !